01744 817074      07917 795687      thattoheathplaydays@outlook.com

Nutgrove Community Centre, 2 Govett Road, St. Helens WA9 5NH

Policies and procedures

At Thatto Heath Playdays we have a range of policies that explain how we work, who has responsibilities and how those associated with the nursery e.g. parents and staff, contribute to this. We have briefly listed some of our policies. A full list of our policies and procedures are displayed in the nursery entrance for you to view at your convenience.


At Thatto Heath Playdays we believe that children have the right to be completely secure from both the fear and reality of abuse and are committed to protecting al the children in our care from harm.

We know that abuse does occur in our society and we are fully aware of the procedures that will be taken if we have reason to believe that a child in our care is subject to either emotional, physical, psychological or sexual abuse or neglect.

Our prime responsibility is the welfare and well- being of all children in our care. As such we believe we have a duty to the children, parents/ main carers, and staff to act quickly and responsibility in any instance that may come to our attention.

The Designated safeguarding leads are Laura Ashton and Becky Furlong 

Special Educational Needs and Disability

At Thatto Heath Playdays we aim to meet every child’s individual needs. Our local offer is to enable parent’s and carers to see more clearly what services Playdays has to offer them.

Our ongoing monitoring and assessments procedures will help staff to identify children with special needs as early as possible.

If parents have any concerns about children’s behaviour, speech, or general language development, please talk to a member of pre-school staff.

We will always discuss concerns with parents and will, if appropriate, seek additional support from outside agencies with agreement from parents.

The nursery Special Educational Needs Coordinator is Laura Ashton and Becky Furlong

Equal opportunities

At Thatto Heath Playdays we provide an atmosphere where all individuals are valued and can achieve success so that they begin to develop confidence and a positive self- image.

Equal opportunities are providing for all the children and adults in the pre-school group. All individuals are encouraged to be sensitive to the needs of others and to understand, value and respect all other cultures and beliefs as well as differences in race, gender, class, religion and ability of those in the immediate and wider environment. We aim to provide an atmosphere where all individuals are valued and can achieve success so that they begin to develop confidence and a positive self-image.

The Equal Opportunities Coordinator is Laura Ashton

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